The monitoring staff should ensure that the contractor submits a certificate of compliance for each type and batch of steel reinforcement used on the works.1.3 INSPECTION
The monitoring staff should take cognizance of the following in the inspections of the reinforcement.1.3.1 Storage of Materials
The reinforcement delivered to site should be stored neatly in a location specially prepared for this purpose. Reinforcement should be stored on a platform off the ground to prevent corrosion and contamination due to deleterious matter (mud, grease, oil, paint, loose rust, etc). If the reinforcement is to be stored for a long period of time or where stored in a marine environment (within 10km of sea) the reinforcement piles should be coveredPlacing and Fixing
Placing and fixing of reinforcement into the forms for the structure is one of the most important aspects of the construction of a structure. Special care should be taken by the monitoring staff to ensure that the reinforcement is placed and fixed in accordance with the design by verifying the following:(a) Type of steel (R or Y)
(b) Diameter of bar
(c) Bar mark
(d) Spacing of bars
(e) Concrete cover
(f) Laps as per drawing (refer to designer if in doubt)
(g) Grouping of bars to create space for placing and vibrating concrete.
(h) All reinforcement should be adequately tied together and properly supported to ensure that the reinforcement does not displace and move in position during the concreting process as this will affect the cover to bars and the effective functioning of the concrete member.
(i) Adequacy of stools and clips provided (need for stools where not provided).
(j) Where bars are detailed to project out of a member (such as parapet anchors) they must be accurately placed and held in position. General neatness of the fixed reinforcement in the forms is always an indication of the accuracy of the placing and fixing and the contractor should be required to carry out corrective actions until the cages of reinforcement are fixed properly.
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