Pile Driving
The process of forcing pile into the ground without any excavation is
known as pile driving. The equipment required for pile driving can be
classified as follows:
1. Pile frames,
2. Pile hammers,
3. Leads,
4. Winches,
5. Miscellaneous Equipment.
Methods Of Pile Driving:
Methods of pile driving can be enumerated as follows:
1. By drop hammer,
2. By Steam hammer,
a. Single acting,
b. Double acting,
c. Differential acting,
3. By water jet boring,
4. By boring.
1. Drop Hammer:
It is made from solid mass of C.I which is lifted and allowed to fall
under gravity on the pile head. It is provided with two lugs so that it
may slide on the leads. It also consists of a hook to tie the rope to
it. Drop hammer weighs 1 ton to 4 ton and has a free fall varying from
about 1.5 to 6 m. It can deliver 4 to 8 blows per minute. The energy
imparted to the pile head by the hammer is dependent on fall and weight
of the hammer. Heavy hammer with short fall should be preferred than
using light hammer and large fall.
2. Steam Hammer:
a. Single-acting Steam Hammer:
In this method, the hammer is lifted either with compressed air or
steam but allowed to drop on pile head under gravity only. Its weight is
about 2 ton and fall or drops from 1 m. It can deliver about 60 blows
per minute. It can be open type or closed type. Single-acting steam
hammer can be used for driving piles under water.
b. Double-acting Hammer:
In this method, the hammer is lifted by steam or compressed air like
single-acting hammer but during fall steam or compressed air also aids
the fall of the hammer in addition to the gravity effect. If compressed
air is used for lifting and dropping the hammer on the pile head, it is
known as pneumatic hammer. Double acting hammer weighs about 1/2 ton but
because of added effect of steam pressure, it develops an effect of
about 3 ton on the pile head. It can deliver 100 to 300 blows per
minute. This hammer is generally fully enclosed in a steel case and
hence equally useful for driving piles under water. In this hammer,
energy per blow and number of blows per minute can be regulated by
adjusting steam pressure.
c. Differential acting Steam Hammer:
It is a modified form of double-acting steam hammer. Advantages of
both single-acting and double acting steam hammers are embodied in it.
It is claimed that this hammer consumes the least power in penetration
of a pile as compared to single or double-acting hammers. It may be open
type or closed type and hence can be used for driving piles under water
3. Water Jet:
In this method, piles are cast with jetting pipe in them. Water under
a pressure of 7 to 17.5 kg/cm2 is forced through this jetting pipe at
the rate of 20 to 40 liters per second near the bottom of the pile. This
water dislodged the soil at the bottom of the pile and pile can sink
under its own weight or with a very light blow of the hammer. Some water
from the bottom rises along the sides of the pile and helps in reducing
the friction between the pile and surrounding soil. The water jet is
stopped about 1 m to 2 m from the depth to be reached by the pile and
this length is driven entirely with hammers.
4. By Boring:
Piles may be driven by first boring a hole with the help of auger,
rotary well drills or by any other method. Auger is used when the soil
is soft and depth is very small. In case of rock and hard soils boring
may be done by well drill or other methods. A precast pile is lastly put
into the bored hole.
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