Engineering materials

Engineering materials
10 billion tonnes pa of engineering materials used globally
1.5t person pa, main components are concrete, wood, steel, asphalt, glass, brick
Concrete is by far the dominant engineering material (factor 10) and responsible for some 5% of global CO2

UK  materials construction   
400mt construction materials
used annually (2008)
100mt concrete
7.5mt timber
has a trade deficit in construction materials/products (2011)
UK construction products market is £40bn annually
We import £12bn of construction products annually
We import £3.5bn from
Germany and China
We export £1.5bn to
Ireland and
We import £650m of steel and export £475m
We import £110m of cement and export £45m
We import £135m of rebar and export £50m
We import £625m of timber

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